Sunday, May 10, 2020

Entry #13 Mother's Day 2020!!

Today is Mother’s Day. Needless to say, my first as a mother so this day takes on a whole new meaning for me.

Just last year, I stood in church, asking for prayer for a child with my family gathered around me. I couldn’t have imagined that one year later I would have a beautiful baby girl. I still tear up when I think of the amazing way God worked out the details of our daughter for us to be a family.

And now on Mother’s Day, I ponder the hopes and prayers I have for being my daughter's mom. I’ve had a place reserved in my heart for my own child that I had hoped would come one day. My heart now overflows with unconditional love and awe at our baby. At any time during the day, I can be heard saying “you’re so cute” or “baby genius” or “I’m so thankful God brought us together”. While my heart is in constant dreamland, I hope I will be the best mom possible to our daughter.

With that being said, here’s a letter to my baby girl.

My dear precious sweet baby girl,

I am forever grateful to have you as my daughter. From the moment I met you, I thought you were absolutely beautiful. You were smiling since week one, I just knew yours were genuine smiles. And now seeing how you are at six months, you smile and laugh constantly. The smile you wear on the outside is the smile you put on my heart inside.

Your smile and laughter brings happiness to others too. I hope to help instill in you a love for God and people. A love that comes from God and shows His love for us.

I hope to love you in whatever way is necessary for you to be a strong, confident, intelligent and compassionate person.

I hope to give you various opportunities at different talents so we can find the ones you like, enjoy doing and excel at.

I hope I will forever remember how grateful I am to be your mother. Mother’s Day originated as a day to celebrate mothers and visit them. I have heard many women's challenges of their paths to motherhood, and some still wait. Since I have personally experienced this, I know that coming into motherhood isn’t easy, as being a mother isn’t either.

However things don’t need to be easy for me to appreciate them. When I change a poop diaper, I’m happy to know your excretory system is working. When I wash your clothes, I’m thankful to have appliances to do so and many clothes that were gifted to us. When Daddy washes your bottles, we’re thankful you’re growing at a healthy rate. When you spit up on my clothes, it’s funny to know what mothers meant when they’d say your clothes will reach a new kind of dirty. When it’s bath time, I know we are fortunate to have clean water.

Baby girl, I hope to pass on the knowledge of the power of prayer. On Mommy Mondays, you and I get to pray together. We have some friends who want to be mommies and we pray God will lead them on the path to motherhood too. We also pray for your birth mother. We are thankful for the choice she made to give you life and we pray you can meet her one day, if you want.

Baby girl, I hope you and your sweet cousins will continue to grow in love. You get so excited to see them and they love you so much in return.

Baby girl, I hope I will always see the positive in every situation. And in every situation I hope you’ll always see my love for you.

Our first Mother’s Day together is being spent in the same way the day originally originated, enjoying time together. Time, as we know, flies by. I hope I make every moment of the time we have together,

With love,


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