Monday, April 29, 2019

Entry #3 Home Study coming up

The Mommy Monday Prayer Wall is up and officially accepting new prayer hopefuls! There is a section for Current Mommies, Current and Counting Mommies and Future Mommies. As I mentioned in Entry #2, I am committing to praying for all of these women each Monday (at the very least). If you haven’t told me already and would like to be added, send me a text or direct message. Under the Future Mommies section, I am adding a few of the women who have reached out and expressed their desire to be a grandma - I will be praying for your daughters/daughter-in-laws.

This prayer wall is right above where the diaper changing station is. Prayer can be life changing too! (I like to play on words.) I hope you’re able to feel God’s love for you and for you to know that you can trust and hope in Him.

A little update on our journey. We are completing the home study application and have a home study visit scheduled in a couple of weeks. We are very excited for the things to come and are praying for God to open the door for the opportunity for us to be parents. Through it all, we hope and trust in Him.

May your Monday be Merry and full of prayer for the direction God wants you to go in.

Thank you for reading and for praying for us,


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Entry #2 April 2019 Mommy Monday Wall

First, I want to start with how appreciative I am of the overwhelming responses people expressed from the first entry I shared.  So many people shared their own journey and offered such encouragement. So many people shared how they are praying for us. And some people shared the blog with others who needed to read it.  It helps confirm that what I’m writing and sharing is part of my new name, messenger. And I’m happy to share it. Your prayers and words of kindness, encouragement and empathy are truly appreciated.

As I read the comments, texts, direct messages and talked with people, I felt there was a strong connection in sharing our stories.  That through sharing, we were able to encourage each other. I love when people say they are praying for our journey and I wanted to create a Mommy Monday wall in the room in our house that we hope will be a nursery or child’s room one day.  On one wall, I am adding the names of the women who shared their journey with me and are currently mommies or going to be mommies. It is the current and future mommy prayer wall. I commit to praying for each of these women on Mommy Mondays. If you want to be added to that wall, feel free to send me a message.  How cool would it be if we prayed for each other and knew that on Mondays, at least one other person was praying for our journey. As some current moms shared, motherhood is quite challenging in itself. If we could offer each other encouragement along the way and lend a hand when needed, our circle of support would impact others in ways we may not even know.

And when I pray for the future mommies, I will be praying that God gives us the desires of our heart. I love when people have asked me, “When are you going to have kids?” or “When are you going to be a mom?”  This is one of the greatest compliments in the world. It’s in the word WHEN. They aren’t asking me “Are you going to have kids?” or “Are you going to be a mom?”  In my job, when I’m coaching new teachers, I ask them, “When are you going to try that new instructional strategy?” or “When do you want me to come observe you teaching?”  I am asking when, not are.  When means it’s going to happen.  If I asked, “Are you going to try out that instructional strategy?” the person has the option to say yes or no.  That’s why I love when people ask me “When are you going to be a mom?” It’s such a huge compliment because that means they see me as a potential mom.  The question is usually asked after an action I have done that would show I could be a good mom. I’ve heard people get tired of being asked the question of having kids and so forth, but really, it’s all in how you view the question.  I choose to view it as the utmost compliment one could give about the possibility of me being a mother. So, future mommies, I’ll be praying for you each Monday. And if you think to pray for me, I would love it.

This post is meant to continue to share and encourage others on a journey, waiting for God to answer.  With the amount of encouragement I received from the first post, I wanted to give a little insight into how I can view things in a positive light.  This positive light of course comes from having my hope in God.

On a side note, we have attended a meeting at our church about the adoption process and are currently looking at a couple of options when it comes to adoption and will be choosing the agencies to work with.  This is our current prayer along this journey.

A journey I’m so happy to share. A message I’m so happy to tell you about.  The hope God offers to anyone who wants to believe.

Keep strong hope in God and be the encourager to someone that may need it.
Michelle =)


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