Friday, March 22, 2019

Entry #1 Journey Towards Being Parents

Our Journey Towards Being Parents

This title makes it seem as though my husband and I are going to share our journey of how we became parents, doesn’t it?  Well, actually, we aren’t parents…yet.  We are in the midst of that journey.  Too often I read or hear stories after the journey, once we know everything turned out the way we wanted and how God worked things out as we hoped.  I want to share our journey in the present tense. Meaning, we don’t know how God is going to work things out, but I do know that God works for those who live according to His purpose.  And just because we know God works things out doesn’t mean He works things out as we want them.  Keeping steadfast faith in God for however He chooses to works things out is having hope.  Hope that no matter the outcome, we know that God is working. See Romans 8:28.

I’m going to share a glimpse into a current journey of mine.  I haven’t shared with too many people for various reasons.  One, if you haven’t been on a similar path, it’s hard to relate. Another, I don’t like to come across as soliciting pity or sorrow from others.  Three, I didn’t think this journey would last so long and would therefore share the end result.  But recently at church, our pastor taught a few messages and something in each one was like a prompt from the Holy Spirit for me to open up and share.  And then our church had a guest speaker, Hosanna Wong, share her message titled “I Have a New Name”. At the end of the message she had us stand when our new name that God gave us was mentioned and it was clear that my new name is Messenger. I do this with friends and people I encounter. But to do this with anyone who might come across these written words is somewhat daunting. You may not know me and know where I’m coming from.  But all the reasons why I shouldn’t share come from the enemy.  Hosanna Wong went on to say that our new name is what the enemy doesn’t want us to acknowledge. And in this denial of how God defines us keeps us at bay with sharing God’s goodness and helping others in similar situations. See II Corinthians 1:3-4.  Once I was able to open up and share a little, I found out a few current and past colleagues were having the same struggles.  If, in my own small reach of the world I was able to offer where my hope comes from, then surely this messenger can reach others. And so, my journey is part of my new name.  I write to you as a messenger wanting you to know where my hope comes from and how I can know for sure God works things out for those who are called according to His purpose.

I got married when I was 37. My husband was 38 and we both waited a long time for God to give us our match.  That in itself is another journey. If you’re single, have hope in God that His timing is perfect, despite what others and the world says. Anyhow, we started trying to have a child about a year into our marriage. Being older, I read all of the statistics and odds against us.  I had faith in God though, if He wanted us to have child, He would work it out.  So after about a year, I finally tested positive on a pregnancy test in February of last year. It was an excitement like I never felt before.  Yet, at the same time, I was very cautious to not get my hopes too high.  This is the realistic and pragmatic part of me.  What seemed to take forever in time was the day I had the first ultrasound to check on the status of the pregnancy.  The doctor came in the room and told me that there was a 95% this would end in a miscarriage.  I couldn’t believe nor understand what he was saying.  I was to come back in one week to see an updated change. That week was spring break for us so during that whole week we were praying for that 5% chance.  I knew that God could work a miracle if He wanted to.  It was a relaxing yet somber week at the beach. The second ultrasound showed no chance whatsoever for the pregnancy and I had a few choices: have a procedure to clean out my uterus, take some pills to speed up the process or wait it out naturally. I chose the pills and it ended up being the worse pain I’ve ever felt in my life, physically and emotionally. 

During this process, I realized the doctor and his office were not up to my standards at all.  So ladies, if you feel like your doctor isn’t providing the care you need and it’s an option to try other doctors, go for it.  The next month I switched doctor offices and scheduled an annual check up to see how this new office was.  The nurse was amazing and we talked about my desire to get pregnant. She asked if I was using an ovulation kit, which I was very thankful that she asked. The previous doctor told me to use the 10-10-10 rule, which was not that accurate. I knew this new nurse/office was already giving me personalized care.

The next month, June, I was pregnant again. And the excitement was there again, but even more cautiousness arose.  Perhaps the Holy Spirit was guarding my heart, but this too resulted in a miscarriage.  Two miscarriages within five months was quite devastating. The more I read online, the more I found the statistics for multiple miscarriages and my advancing age towards 40. Even so, I kept my hope in God, even though it was very difficult at times. I kept asking God questions but realized my desire for answers were the enemy throwing curve balls at me to distract me from my hope in God.

I went back to the same nurse in August and she recommended a fertility clinic.  I only had six months until I was forty, so I jumped on that referral and had a bunch of tests done. Two months of tests resulted in no answers.  I read online that it’s called infertility due to unknown reasons.  This was good and bad news. Good news because my aging parts were still working but bad news because there wasn’t an explanation for why my aging parts weren’t working.  There were alternative options and my husband and I chose IUI. Mainly because it was a low cost, low risk option for possible pregnancy.  We tried three rounds over the next three months. The last round would show the results in January, right after I turned 40.  After the first two didn’t work, I had high hopes that round three would work.  But alas, it did not work and I turned 40, knowing I wasn’t going to be pregnant before this monumental moment in life. I celebrated all month long with loved ones and definitely still enjoyed life.  But deep inside was a sadness that I hadn’t experienced before. We had already decided three rounds would be it because we felt if God wanted to make that happen, He would have. We didn’t want to try IVF due to my age and the monetary investment it would take.  Instead, we would rather invest that money in the adoption process.

So, here I am, almost exactly one year after that week of wondering about the 5% chance.  Now I wonder, will we find a child to adopt? Will we have one naturally? Will we have both? Will we have neither? Will we ever become parents? Will we never become parents?

Will I be okay with whatever outcome?

Truthfully, I don’t know if I will be okay.  And that’s because I am asking about me.  When I put God in the question, I ask, Will I be okay with whatever God’s outcome is? Will I be okay with however God works things out? That makes it easier to say yes.  God loves me and has given me desires in my heart. When my Hope comes from Him and is in Him, I know I can say, I will be okay with whatever outcome God chooses. 

And so I share my journey in the midst of it. To share with you where my hope comes from. To be a messenger that wants you to know that God gives us the hope we need.

What’s the journey you’re on? Ask yourself the possible outcomes that can be. And then ask if you’re okay with however God chooses the outcome to be.  What verses do you need stuck in your head to remind you of God’s hope? Who do you need to share with to encourage others along on their journey?

Stay strong with hope in God,

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