Saturday, September 21, 2019

Entry #10 Prayer for October

It’s been just over a month since our last update through this blog. So many of you kindly ask for updates and continue to let us know you’re praying. We are still in the waiting stages, where we are listed as potential adoptive parents with a lawyer’s firm.

However, I did want to share an update in the form of a prayer request.

We may have the opportunity for another door to be opened in our Journey toward Parenthood. We will know more in October, but in the meantime, we are asking for you to pray for God’s guidance, that He prepares the steps towards this path, if it’s His Will, and that there is peace. The kind of peace that tells us this is truly from God and with His approval.

Just thinking about this possible door opening has had me so excited this past week and at this time, I feel peace about it, but I want to make sure it is peace for the right reasons.

Therefore, we are asking for your prayers that we have peace whether this door is truly being opened or if it ends up being closed. Again, we will know more in October and will hopefully get to share more then.

Thank you again for reaching out and investing your time in our Journey toward Parenthood. With God and the people He places in our lives, we can stay strong in our hope that one day we will be parents.

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