Friday, June 28, 2019

Entry #7 VM about lawyer and $4K grant

I have a couple of exciting updates to share, but first I need to confess once again how my anxiousness continuously creeps in. Last week, our family was on a road trip and throughout the week I kept waiting to hear back about the two applications we sent in – one to the lawyer’s office and the other for the financial assistance. Last Friday, during one of my driving turns, I set aside the anxiousness and started to pray and ask God to settle my heart, give me patience, and trust in His timing.

What do you know, but later that day I received two voicemails while we were in the St. Louis Arch! The lawyers looked over our applications and wanted to set up a consultation! The second voicemail informed us that we were given a $4,000 matching grant! As I write this blog entry, it is quite fitting that today’s verse of the day on the Bible App is, “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” from Philippians 4:6.

We will meet with the adoption lawyer at the end of July and will know much more then. As of now, all of our paperwork is all set so there isn’t anything else to prepare. In regards to the financial assistance, we have to set up some logistics, so more will come on that later. Lastly, we will continue the process of applying to work with our second option, an adoption agency. We were playing a little bit of phone tag, so completing this step will be our next goal.

I just wanted to share a quick update on God’s goodness and why I continually know I can keep my hope in Him! As always, your prayers are greatly appreciated!


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