Friday, May 24, 2019

Entry #5 Niece's prayer, costs of adoption and podcasts

My niece’s prayer as recorded in my phone notes on May 24, 2018:

“Shell, when are you going to have a baby?”

I replied, “I’m not sure. Hopefully soon. We just have to pray every day and ask God.”

My niece, “Okay, I’m going to pray now. Dear God.” (whispers to me, “Shell, is it God who makes the babies?” I answer, “yes”. She continues, “Dear God, please make Shell a baby in a couple of days. Amen.” To me, “Shell, I really want you to have a baby soon.”

Did you notice that this prayer from my niece was exactly one year ago? How precious is she? Then, on this past Mother’s Day, while our whole family was eating at Maggiano’s, I took her to the restroom. On the way, she said, “Shell, you’re going to be a mom soon.” She is so cute and precious and confident.

Now she is six and aware of so many things. We recently started explaining to her about our adoption process. We ended the conversation by saying she might be getting a baby cousin soon and her smile was of pure excitement and joy. Children have the most beautiful hearts.

David and I listened to some podcasts about the adoption process and it really helped educate us on a few topics. Our home study agency recommended Creating a Family. One podcast in particular spoke about how to inform all involved about the intention to adopt and how to educate our child on the adoption process. It also shed light on the psychology of it all.

Speaking of which, our home study is complete! It went well and God really worked out a neat connection during that process. We were able to work with someone with a mutual connection and it just made the whole process much more personal. At the same time, there is so much to do.

We ask for wisdom, guidance and clarity on the path to adoption. Did you know it costs $25K-$45K to adopt a newborn? Did you know it’s better to go with a few agencies/lawyers to increase the odds of connecting with a newborn? Each application at an agency can cost about $2-3K, just to start the process. Did you know that sometimes an adoption falls through, and besides the emotional letdown, there can be a loss of thousands of dollars? Sometimes another couple is chosen, sometimes the paperwork wasn’t correct, sometimes the birth mom chooses to keep her baby. This is why we ask for wisdom, guidance and clarity. If any of those things were to happen in our case, we want to be overcome with the peace of God that it is okay. Each of those situations would make someone happy in the process, so we would want our hearts to be happy too. Just as my niece prayed and claimed, I’m going to be a mom soon, I want to have that peace in my heart no matter the path we go.

We are also asking for wisdom, guidance and clarity on this path for another reason. I may or may not be able to share more details, but God knows the details. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. We thank you for following our journey and hope it offers you hope, in whatever situation you may be in.

Ever hopeful,
Michelle =)


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