Thursday, August 1, 2019

Entry #9 Meeting with Lawyer

This past Tuesday, my husband and I met with the adoption lawyer and WOW. There was A LOT of information to take in and process. The lawyer was extremely knowledgeable and explained the whole process of what we are to expect during each of the next steps. This next step being the waiting period. We gave her our profile books and wrote up a little blurb for them to post. Now, we wait for birth mothers to view our profile and hopefully pick us soon!

Once we are picked, we will meet with the birth mother to get acquainted. Before this meeting and during this time, prospective adoptive parents have to communicate what kind of adoptions they are open to – closed, semi or open. This describes the different levels of communication the birth mother would have about the baby, after birth, from the adoptive parents. It could be pictures, letters, email and/or visits.

After the initial meeting, the birth mother and adoptive parents can continue with communication until the birth of the baby. Sometimes the adoptive parents can be present at the baby’s birth. Part of the reason why newborn adoptions can range from $35,000-$45,000 is because the adoptive parents cover the cost of living, transportation, food, phone – the necessities—for the birth mother during her pregnancy and six weeks after birth. Then, there are the lawyer’s costs, which ours will be $15,000. Plus other legal expenses, such as court filings, legal representation for the birth mother and other related expenses.

At this time, our prayers are hopeful that God will lead a birth mother to choose us as her baby’s parents, that this happens in His timing, and that we are patient during the waiting period.

At this point, there are nine entries in this blog. As we continue to share this blog with women who desire to be on the path towards motherhood, I am continually awed by their reaction to what I have shared. Please, if you have any women in your life in a similar situation, feel free to share our journey with them. When other women have reached out to me in return, it has been very encouraging.

Thank you for joining us along this journey thus far. We hope we will be able to write a future entry about a birth mother choosing us!

Hope is strong!


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