Saturday, May 11, 2019

Entry #4 Mother's Day

Mother’s Day Weekend! It really is such a beautiful reminder to honor mothers. Our mothers, motherly women who treat us as their own, and your family or friends who are mothers. I’ll be spending the day with my mother, my mother-in-law, my sister who is an amazing mom, and my brother-in-law’s mother. I’ll be messaging other mothers I know with a word of appreciation for the impact they make in my life. I’m so thankful for my own mom and the greatest thing she instilled in all four of us kids - being family oriented and making sure we are there for each other no matter what. A trait I like to share outside our family too!

Our church does a really cool thing each year. The pastor will ask for the women hoping to be mothers to stand and the church surrounds all those standing and prays that God will honor this desire. I have stood the past two years, and each time it has been a bit emotional. I will be standing again this year.

I’m not one to look for attention or want the spotlight on me. I have always been shy, but as I’ve grown older I have overcome this shyness in many areas. I was just recognized at work with an achievement and had to walk across the stage to accept the certificate, and inside I was cringing all the way leading up to that moment. I don’t care for nor like public recognition. But when I stand in church, I am publicly declaring that I know God will do as He wills and I am faithful to believe in that, with hopes of getting to be a mother.

I am also happy to publicly declare my hope in God through this blog. If this journey can help just one other woman stay strong and have hope, then it is worth it. I was recently asked if I don’t mind sharing all this with others, sometimes complete strangers. I really don’t. I have always enjoyed writing notes to others or thank you cards. I considered it a success when the recipient would tell me that the card made them shed a tear. I see the power of writing and at one point I was trying to become a children’s author. Over time, I’ve found different outlets for writing, for different purposes - like this.

This coming Thursday we have our home study visit. We are prayerful, and hope you will be too, that it goes well and that the child God wants us to parent, will come to us in His timing. If you are also going or considering going the adoption route, there is some paperwork to do for a home study visit. Local background check, fingerprints, medical history report, notarizing an affidavit of good moral character, character references, financial information, insurance and employment verification, copies of documents and the application in itself.

I sincerely appreciate those praying for us, asking about the journey, taking the time to read our updates and sharing it with others who might need some encouragement. When I share this publicly, I have the peace of God about it, so it is well with my soul to do so. As a matter of fact, I’ll be starting up a second blog that’s been on my heart for a while. It’ll be coming out later this week.

As always, we’re keeping our hope in God,
Michelle =)


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